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- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 94 22:43:21 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #8
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Thu, 6 Jan 94 Volume 94 : Issue 8
- Today's Topics:
- Connecting multi-line phone to single-line outlet.
- Experience w BayPac/Mac/Softkiss?
- How does it work?
- Info on station
- Repeater database?
- Superball Balloon Launch Update
- TNC wanted
- Where's my QST?
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 02:58:04 GMT
- From: netcomsv!netcom.com!tweek@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Connecting multi-line phone to single-line outlet.
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <JKA.94Jan6163828@mustang.ece.cmu.edu> posted to the Usenet Newsgroup(s)
- rec.radio.amateur.misc
- jka@ece.cmu.edu (Jay Adams) writes:
- >
- >I recently came into possesion of an old multi-line telephone. OK, I
- >dug it out of the trash. It's one of those that has the five clear
- >buttons on the front along with a red "hold" button. It has a big
- >bundle of wire coming out of the back of it. I'd like to connect it
- >to a single-line outlet. How can I do this?
- It sounds like a 565 6 button key set.
- >
- >Inside the phone, the big bundle of wires is connected to a terminal
- >strip where the terminals have labels like: 1R, 1T, 1H, L1, LG, 2R,
- >2T, 2H, L2, LG, etc, five times. My guess is that I should disconnect
- >the big bundle of wires and hook the four wires in my single-line
- >(black, red, green, and yellow) outlet to four of the 1R, 1T, 1H, L1,
- >LG terminals.
- #1. Give up any hope of having the HOLD circuit work once you get the
- phone working. You need the Big Relay box for that. The same goes
- for the neat little lights.
- #2. Connect the two active wires for you phone line (usually red and green)
- to: 1R 1T for line 1
- 2R 2T for line 2
- etc... up to line 5 Be carefull... there is an extra row between
- the line four and line five terminals.
- #3. To get the bell working, (usually it is set for operation off of the
- control box as well) you must set it to single line bridging...
- "x" = line number
- lead to bell connection on block
- SL-RED A on block
- SL K on block
- BLK xT on terminal
- RED xR on terminal
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Jan 94 21:12:23 GMT
- From: agate!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!nic.csu.net!computer_ctr.sonoma.edu!vannuysd@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Experience w BayPac/Mac/Softkiss?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I'd like to hear from someone who has experience with
- the BayPac BP-1 using softkiss in a Mac ennvironment.
- I'm thinking of buying the BP-1 and using it with
- my Powerbook 100 as a way to get onto packet. I'm
- looking for encouragement or warnings. Please
- send e-mail. Thanks.
- David
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 03:15:22 GMT
- From: cs.yale.edu!wcsub.ctstateu.edu!downing001@yale.arpa
- Subject: How does it work?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2ghta6$rj3@news.tamu.edu>, furuta@cs.tamu.edu (Richard Furuta) writes:
- > Well, maybe it's relevant to radio and maybe not, but I'm sure that
- > someone here can explain this to me!
- >
- > I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the anti-theft stickers
- > that have appeared especially on tapes and CDs. About an inch square,
- > the adhesive-backed underside contains a set of concentric traces
- > along the edge surrounded by a different colored border that blobs
- > over one of the corners into the center. Disabling the device seems
- > to involve sticking a patch of some sort on top of it.
- >
- > So what's the mechanism and how does it work?
- >
- > --Rick
- > KE3IV
- > furuta@cs.tamu.edu
- >
- On a semi-related topic, I am curious about the card-key system that our
- workplace has recently installed. The trade name is CardKey, and the
- supplier told our executive that it was the "latest state-of-the-art"
- equipment.
- The cards do not need to be passed through a reader, just within 6 inches
- of the box on the wall. The system records the time, date, door, and
- the serial number of the card (read employee.)
- I am curious how this technology works if anybody out there in cyber-space
- would like to share this info. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but I also
- suspect that the device can read a card much farther away, i.e., it
- could track an employee's movements even if the employee did not use
- it to operate the door. Does anybody want to comment on this?
- Thanks in advance,
- Jim
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Jan 94 22:48:37 GMT
- From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!nbc.ksu.ksu.edu!news@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Info on station
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- During the 10m contest in Mid-December, I heard a very strange call.
- Looked in the DXCC list and didn't find it listed anywhere. The call was
- M1DX. Looked in the prefix allocations, and it is listed as a Great Britain/
- Northern Ireland call, so I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this
- call, and hopefully QSL information for them. Also wanting to know the best
- way to QSL DX stations (Direct, QSL Bureau's, ETC). Any help would be
- greatly appreciated by a ham new to HF!
- 73 Everyone DE N0YAX -sk-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Jeremy L. Utley | jlu@cis.ksu.edu
- Computing & Infomation Sciences | cbr600@ksu.ksu.edu
- Student | cbr600@ksuvm.bitnet
- Kansas State University | bxth85a (Prodigy)
- A.S. Comp. Sci. & Acctg. | N0YAX@N0OER.#NEKS.KS.USA.NA (Packet Radio)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Jan 1994 16:04:30 -0500
- From: agate!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!news.ysu.edu!psuvm!cunyvm!rohvm1!rohvm1.mah48d@ames.arpa
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <9401050956.A1778wk@support.com>, steven.rosenberg@support.com
- wrote, in part:
- >
- > gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us (Gary Coffman) writes:
- >
- > > I've built Heathkits and Ramsey kits. Ramsey is more fun.
- >
- > As the unproud owner of an non-working Ramsay 40m receiver, I would
- > rather the damn thing worked!
- >
- > Ramsay kits may be cheaper, but since they seldom work, and if they do,
- > seldom work well -- it's just not worth the trouble.
- I built one of the Ramsey 40-m QRP transmitters--really simple, about half
- a dozen components. When it didn't work, I figured I'd done something
- wrong, and would trouble-shoot it when I got the chance. Haven't yet
- gotten the chance, but it sounds like the problem may not have been me.
- This discussion thread may provide me incentive to see just what was wrong
- (oscillator works, but not the final), but also to homebrew rather than
- buying another Ramsey kit.
- --
- John Taylor - W3ZID
- rohvm1.mah48d@rohmhaas.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Jan 94 02:05:18 GMT
- From: netnews.upenn.edu!iat.holonet.net!bwilkins@rutgers.rutgers.edu
- Subject: Repeater database?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- kb7uv@panix.com (Andrew Funk) writes:
- : In article <2gfgip$lp9@skates.gsfc.nasa.gov>,
- : Richard Mitchell 1026 <mitchell@aol14.wff.nasa.gov> wrote:
- :
- : >If someone really wanted to steal the repeater (or whatever), why
- : >wouldn't they just go on a foxhunt to find it? I dunno, but
- : >around here the physical locations aren't kept secret. In talking
- : >with other club members, its usually pretty easy to find out where
- : >the repeater is.
- : >
- : >Maybe we just get along better over here...or maybe i'm just niave.
- : >
- :
- :
- : Believe me, this is a *real* problem in the NYC area. We've had several
- : coordinated repeaters in this area physically attacked or stolen,
- : apparently by thoseinterested in putting up systems of their own, or whao
- : have already out up uncoordinated systems.
- :
- : Hopefully this will not spread outside the more populated metro areas, but
- : I wouldn't count on it.
- :
- : 73, Andy
- : --
- : ______________________ Andrew Funk, KB7UV ______________________
- : | President, Tri-State Amateur Repeater Council (TSARC) |
- : | ENG Editor/Microwave Control, WCBS-TV Channel 2 News, New York |
- : | Internet: kb7uv@panix.com Packet: kb7uv@kb7uv.#nli.ny.usa |
- Out here in the West where many repeaters are at good locations served by
- solar power, the repeater Clubs usually tell people that the repeater is on
- Tall Mtn when the repeater is really on Taller Mtn three miles away.
- The reason for this is theft of solar panels and repeater systems
- including vary expencive control equipment. I sure hope that when someone
- publishs the locations of these repeaters, the owners are notified so that
- they can up the insurence and prepare for loss. Hey get a life! Please
- don't destroy what is out there for your use. Greed envy and lust are all
- players in this game.
- In Northern California the Repeater trustee can list his repeater by local
- city or mountain top. I see only TWO mountain tops listed out of the one
- thousand repeaters. Does this tell you anything?
- bob
- --
- Bob Wilkins n6fri voice 440.250+ 100pl san francisco bay area
- bwilkins@cave.org packet n6fri @ n6eeg.#nocal.ca.usa.na
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 1994 10:57:32 -0700
- From: cs.utexas.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!cyber2.cyberstore.ca!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs!usenet@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Superball Balloon Launch Update
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Superpressure Balloon Launch Update
- Due to the approach of a major winter storm the launch of SuperBall
- 1-94 from Logan Utah Municipal Airport has been delayed. The next
- attempt will be Thursday, January 6 at 2100 UTC. If the weather is
- still not favorable, further attempts will be made Friday, Saturday,
- and Sunday at 1500 UTC.
- The Utah Balloon Team is a cooperative group from Utah State
- University, Logan, Utah, members of the amateur radio community, and
- Winzen International. The nylon superpressure balloon for this
- flight is 76 feet in diameter. It was manufactured and donated by
- Winzen International of San Antonio, Texas. The expected daytime
- float altitude of this helium filled balloon will be 120,000 ft
- (36,660 meters). Some loss of altitude is expected to occur at night
- and regained during the day. Theoretically the technology is
- capable of maintaining a payload at altitude for long periods of
- time, potentially years.
- The payload will weigh 4 kilograms, or 8.8 pounds. It will
- consist of the following subsystems:
- 1. A primary data payload containing:
- - A five channel Magellan GPS receiver
- - An external air temperature sensor
- - An internal payload temperature sensor
- - A battery voltage sensor
- - A differential pressure gauge
- - A 1/2-watt VHF MCW telemetry transmitter
- - A one-watt 15-meter telemetry transmitter
- - A black-and-white CCD television camera
- - A UHF ATV transmitter.
- 2. A cutdown package containing a VHF command receiver, DTMF
- decoder and barometric switch.
- 3. An ultra lowpower secondary data payload onboard containing a
- 60-milliwatt 10-meter CW telemetry beacon.
- 4. Three Lithium battery packs: one for the primary payload, one
- for the secondary payload, and one for the cutdown package.
- The balloon can be monitored on the following frequencies:
- 145.871 MHz (1/2-watt): MCW telemetry beacon with a four-minute on
- cycle and a 15 minute sleep cycle. This transmitter will operate
- with the call sign of N7YTK, transmitting data from instruments
- listed above. (This transmitter will also operate through the
- Russian RS-10 amateur satellite, which has a downlink frequency
- 29.371 MHz, plus or minus Doppler.)
- 21.229 MHz (1-watt): CW beacon on the same duty cycle and sending
- the same data as the two-meter telemetry beacon, with a call sign
- of WB8ELK. (It will also operate through the Russian RS-12 amateur
- satellite, which has a downlink frequency of 29.429 MHz, plus or
- minus Doppler.)
- 434.00 MHz (1-watt): Black-and-white ATV using a CCD camera. ATV
- will be available intermittently as commanded from the ground.
- 28.322 MHz (60-mw): CW telemetry sent every minute. This secondary
- data payload will have the call sign of WB8ELK, and will transmit
- pressure altitude, internal temperature, external temperature and
- battery voltage.
- The purpose of the SuperBall 1-94 mission is to certify this
- superpressure balloon technology for long-duration flight and to
- test our ability to control and receive data from a high-altitude
- research balloon for an extended period of time using amateur
- radio.
- Our first plateau of success on this mission will be achieved if
- we operate through a complete sunset/sunrise cycle at a constant
- pressure altitude. Our second plateau will be a flight lasting a
- week. Our third plateau will be a complete circumnavigation of
- the globe. Anything after that is gravy.
- Observers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Martin Marietta and
- Utah State University's Space Dynamics Laboratory will be present
- at the launch. These people are potential users of the
- superpressure balloon for a Martian mission.
- Gil Moooe, N7YTK, plans to chase the balloon for the first 24
- hours to make certain that we have good telemetry and video
- through one sunset/sunrise cycle and to handle cutdown if
- required. After that, data retrieval will be performed by hams
- in the flight path footprint, as coordinated by net control, John
- Luker, KA7QBC.
- The float path of the balloon is very difficult to predict
- since the polar breakout usually occurs is this time of year
- frequently resulting in strong north south currents. It
- is currently our best guess that SuperBall 1-94 will in
- the initial few hours, as it ascends through the lower
- atmosphere, move rapidly (50 to 100 knots are possible) to the
- east toward the southwestern Wyoming border, but as it enters the
- calmer air at 70,000+ feet it will follow a slow (2 to 7 knots)
- western track from Logan, over Elko, Nevada; Reno, Nevada; San
- Francisco, California; and from there out over the Pacific.
- If the balloon shows no threat of interfering with controlled
- airspace, as it reaches the coast, it will be allowed to continue
- on its journey. We are assuming at this point an east to west
- path at an average speed of 5 knots. We will leave the rest you
- your imagination.
- An HF net will be conducted by John Luker, WB7QBC on the day of
- the launch, and subsequent days on 7230 KHz +-QRM. This net will
- alert interested hams down range of the balloon's path, and
- coordinate the collection of telemetry. A special QSL card will
- be sent to those who provide copy of telemetry or beacon reports.
- Please send this information to John Luker,
- WB7QBC@uugate.aim.utah.edu. If you do not have access to email you
- may also mail, via SnailNet, reports to John's home: 1226 W 725 N,
- Clearfield UT 84015.and will advise down-range listeners of the
- latest developments. He will also post this information on an
- Internet special interest area called "balloons" for those who can
- telnet to uugate.aim.utah.edu. The Utah Balloon Team would
- appreciate the forwarding of any telemetry copied to John's address
- along with pertinent information, including the receiving station's
- location, UTC date and time, signal report, and receiving
- equipment.
- Video tapes of any received ATV transmissions from the balloon
- would also be appreciated. At this point we only anticipate
- turning the camera on during the first two days, but command
- access to the ATV system by down range hams is available by
- requesting the frequency and DTMF codes from Gil Moore, N7YTK
- (internet gilm@sysdiv.sdl.usu.edu). The camera will be pointed
- up at the balloon rather than the ground on this mission since
- our main concern is the condition of the balloon.
- The modality of the telemetry will be Morse Code and depending on
- the band will be either CW or FM-MCW. The exact data block
- layout will be posted as a bulletin on internet
- balloons@uugate.aim.utah.edu sometime shortly after launch.
- (The format was being changed at the time of this writing.)
- We will continue to do periodic computer predictions based upon
- the telemetry we receive back from the on board GPS receiver and
- information from NOAA. We will be depending largely on
- down-range listeners to provide this information to us as rapidly
- as is possible. We do NOT plan on a chase beyond what Gil has
- planned for the first 24 hrs, obviously, since we would like to
- let it fly as long as possible.
- The principal players in this mission to date are listed below in
- alphabetical order, together with their amateur call signs,
- office and home telephone and FAX numbers and Internet addresses,
- where available:
- Bruce Bergen, KI7OM, (801) 943-9918 (o), (801) 943-1365 (h),
- (801) 943-9924 (fax). KI7OM@uugate.aim.utah.edu (internet), -
- Launch communications and packet bulletin coordinator.
- Bill Brown, WB8ELK, (419) 422-8206 (h), WB8ELK@delphi.com
- (internet) - Primary and secondary data payloads supplier.
- Larry Epley, (210) 690-3400 (o), (201) 698-1967 (h), (201) 690-
- 9927 (fax) - Balloon manufacturer and launch advisor.
- Phyllis Gray, (903) 885-0728 (o), - Balloon manufacturer and
- launch advisor.
- Collin Lewis, (801) 750-3063 (o), (801) 752-1167 (h), (801) 750-
- 2963 (fax), clewis@sysdiv.sdl.usu.edu (internet) - Launch
- director.
- John Luker, WB7QBC, (801) 776-6274 (h),
- WB7QBC@uugate.aim.utah.edu (internet) - Net control operator.
- Gil Moore, N7YTK, (801) 750-3561 (o), (801) 782-7017 (h), (801)
- 750-2492 (fax), gilm@sysdiv.sdl.usu.edu (internet) - Principal
- Investigator.
- Phyllis Moore, (801) 782-7017 (h) - Chase vehicle relief driver.
- Pete Sias, WB0DRL, (913) 823-80027 (o), (913) 825-5571 (h), ATV
- subsystem supplier.
- Randal Thornley, N7YSV, (801) 750-4846 (o), (801) 750-0141 (h &
- fax), randalt@rpark.sdl.usu.edu - Cutdown subsystem supplier.
- Clint Turner, KA7OEI, (801)355-1534 (h), (801) 292-7680 (fax),
- Clint@uugate.aim.utah.edu (internet) - Command receiver
- supplier.
- Stan Wellard, N7UXE, (801) 750-2910 (o), (801) 753-0433 (h),
- (801) 750-2963 (fax), Systems environmental tester.
- Information on the missions progress is now available through
- Internet by making a telnet connection to uugate.aim.utah.edu,
- logging on as "guest," and issuing the command "a balloons"
- followed by "l."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 07 Jan 1994 01:17:10 GMT
- From: olivea!charnel!rat!zeus!trumpet.aix.calpoly.edu!snorris@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: TNC wanted
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I am looking for a TNC to use with a Kenwood Th28A handlheld. If
- anyone out there in netland has one that they would like to get rid of,
- please drop me some E-mail with the brand, model, condition, and asking
- price. I would prefer the smallest unit that I could get, but I won't be
- really picky since this will be my first TNC, and I just want to see
- what it has to offer. It doesn't have to have all kinds of features,
- just enough to provide basic functionality. Thanks in advance for any
- help and/or suggestions.
- Sean
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sean Norris snorris@trumpet.aix.calpoly.edu
- --KE6BTE-- Electronic Engineers do it with less resistance.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 1994 12:49:34 GMT
- From: mdisea!mothost!lmpsbbs!news@uunet.uu.net
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article l6@news.tamu.edu, furuta@cs.tamu.edu (Richard Furuta) writes:
- }In article <1994Jan5.131309.20262@lmpsbbs.comm.mot.com>,
- }Bruce Burke Sp App <burke_br@adcae1.comm.mot.com> wrote:
- }[...]
- }|For what it's worth, They tend to ignore the fact it is possible for a 100 watt
- }|mobile to pull up along side of you and dump that energy into your vehicle - with
- }|a potential for damage.
- }[...]
- }|S The antenna cabling must be routed no
- }|closer than 20 cm (about 8) to any ECM
- }|or other onboard computer/sensors.
- }[...]
- }|Please note the electronic control unit (ECU)
- }|the most sensitive to RF is located in the
- }|passenger compartment under the dashboard
- }|on the passengers side. This is the primary
- }|module to keep RF away from. Installing the
- }|antenna outside at the rear left would
- }|optimum since it would place it as far from this
- }|ECU as possible. The chips inside the ECU are
- }|MOSFETS, very easily damaged by static
- }|electricity, stray RF, etc.
- }
- }I guess I can't quite picture the scenario where an adjacent vehicle
- }could come within eight inches of (in particular) the ECU without
- }there being some other, more pressing, collision-related factors.
- }
- } --Rick
- } KE3IV
- }
- }
- Generally the cabling, excluding the coax, does not contain significant amounts of
- rf energy. (Or at least it shouldn't if properly designed)
- You would get far more by having someone pull up along side of you at a
- stop light and transmitting - that's my point. -Bruce, WB4YUC, el YUCCO
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Jan 94 22:38:51 GMT
- From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!crcnis1.unl.edu!unlinfo.unl.edu!mcduffie@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Where's my QST?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- ham@wam.umd.edu (Scott Richard Rosenfeld) writes:
- >Can anybody tell me what the January QST looks like (front cover)? I don't
- >remember getting mine, and would like to maybe jog my memory. I can't find
- >it anywhere, so I'm thinking that maybe I never got it!
- Hmm.. Hi Scott... mine is quite distinctive. It says JANUARY 1994 on
- the front cover!
- Okay, for all you people who can't take a joke and would bitch about
- me not giving the real answer (yes, there are dozens of you!)...
- Scott, the cover is full of postage stamps from all over the world.
- Happy New Year to all and 73,
- Gary (the other one)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 94 14:26:11 GMT
- From: news.sprintlink.net!dg-rtp!webo!dg-webo!pshea@uunet.uu.net
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <Dec.>, <tcjCJ3nLD.pt@netcom.com>, <2gdjdr$roe@samba.oit.unc.edu>ri
- Reply-To : shea@daytona.webo.dg.com
- Subject : Re: DEP May Impose Fees On YOU!
- In article <2gdjdr$roe@samba.oit.unc.edu>,
- Sherrod.Munday@launchpad.unc.edu (Sherrod Munday) writes:
- |>
- |> I wouldn't worry too much... After all, most (almost all?) devices
- |> which
- |> operate with radio frequency have to have emissions within safe
- |> limits in
- |> order to be sold. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the only
- |> thing
- |> which would make sense to me. So it doesn't sound like they will
- |> make too
- |> much money off this scheme, if this rumor is indeed true (And to
- |> that
- |> end, I make no claims and heave no evidence either way)).
- |>
- I heard a broadcast of the Ham Radio Newsline on 1/4/94. In it they
- mentioned
- a per antenna fee. I got a very distinct impression that this bill is
- directed
- at RF transmitting equipment.
- I would worry. There may be exemptions planned, but it may increase
- taxes in
- your town as well as limit your amateur privleges. All of my town's
- vechicles
- have tramsmitters, as well as the handhelds they operate.
- Oh, almost forgot. The per antenna fee mentioned was $600.00.
- Between the comercial and amateur communities in NJ, I would think there
- is
- enough clout to stop this. Of course if no one does anything,
- well....
- Phil
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----+
- | Phil Shea | Amateur Radio Callsign
- N1QAM |
- | Data General Corporation | email
- shea@daytona.webo.dg.com |
- | 4400 Computer Dr. Westboro MA, 01580|
- |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Jan 1994 02:27:04 GMT
- From: olivea!sgigate.sgi.com!sgiblab!swrinde!gatech!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!lerc.nasa.gov!news.larc.nasa.gov!grissom.larc.nasa.gov!kludge@decwrl.dec.com
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <tcjCJ3nLD.pt@netcom.com>, <2gdjdr$roe@samba.oit.unc.edu>, <1994Jan6.142611.20958@webo.dg.com>ec
- Subject : Re: DEP May Impose Fees On YOU!
- In article <1994Jan6.142611.20958@webo.dg.com> shea@daytona.webo.dg.com writes:
- >
- >I heard a broadcast of the Ham Radio Newsline on 1/4/94. In it they
- >mentioned
- >a per antenna fee. I got a very distinct impression that this bill is
- >directed
- >at RF transmitting equipment.
- Yes, but everything with an oscillator in it is RF transmitting equipment.
- If you don't believe me, put a radio next to your terminal. It's radiating
- plenty. Inadvertently perhaps, but still enough to tax.
- What? You won't tax it because it doesn't radiate enough? Well what
- about Joe QRP over here, who is running a few miliwatts with a transmitter
- powered by rotting tomatoes? How can you tax him?
- It just gets so difficult to devise a law to do what everybody expects it
- to do that it either gets thrown away or turns into an unenforceable mess.
- And hey, maybe it'll encourage QRP operation? We can always hope...
- --scott
- --
- "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #8
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